On Saturday March 9th (6pm to10pm) US Vs. THEM is presenting the Second OIL & WATER ART SHOW. It is a enormous group show filled with fifty eight brilliant artists and one complete hack. The BILTWELL contingent is doing a ride to the show if you want to get in some miles before a night […]
Category Archives: Friends
by Sam Christmas
As you may well know, only a severe crack addiction will empty your wallet faster than chasing a land speed record. Wes White of Four Aces has been working for years towards a record on his 1950 Triumph. Here is how you can help and it won’t cost you a dime. Follow this LINK to […]
Photo pinched from The 23rd brick.
Our good friends over at 47 Industries are holding an open house and unfinished bike show today. We’ll be there to show our support and you should too. That is all.
Check out THE WORLD IS FLAT for pictures of Kim’s sportster jumping stuff! Photo by MICHAEL SCHMIDT